
Male, 17 tahun

Jakarta, Indonesia

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Selasa, 25 Februari 2014


prozilla (Download Manager) 

  1. kh4sh4@bt:~# wget -c
  2. Install kh4sh4@bt:~#  dpkg -i prozilla_1.3.7.4-1_i386.deb
  3. Edit file konfigurasi prozilla "/etc/prozilla/prozilla.conf" kh4sh4@bt:~# gedit /etc/prozilla/prozilla.conf# How many mirrors we will request from ftpsearch.# This option only make sense w/ ftpsearch ON##mirrors = 40# The timeout period# How long do we wait when there is no response before starting again##timeout = 180# How many attempts do we make when we encounter a data transmission error# to get the file in (default is 200), specify 0 to try infinitely ##tries = 200#The timedelay between retries. (default 15 seconds)##retrydelay = 15# The force option, off by default. When enabled cause Prozilla NOT# to prompt the user about overwriting existent files etc..##forcemode = off# Maximum redirections allowed##maxredirs = 10# Use ~/.netrc? On by default##netrc = on# Uses PASV by default. If you don't like it set it OFF and will use PORT instead.##pasv = off# If you turn this option ON, when an error occurs, ProZilla will print the# error to stdout and quit instead of waiting for the user to press a key to# exit##nogetch = off#The maxbps option can be used to limit the bandwith consumption of# prozilla for example maxbps = 40000 will limit it to consume a maximum of# 40k of bandwith, the default is 0 which means unlimited bandwith# consumption (ie no limitation just get as fast as possible)#maxbps = 0 (set max bps jadi 0 untuk koneksi unlimited)#mainoutputdir#This specifies to which directory the output file will be built#mainoutputdir = /home/weasel/downloads#Now if you download a file called gcc-2.95.2.tar.bz2 it will be saved as#/home/weasel/downloads/gcc-2.95.2.tar.bz2#mainoutputdir = /home/dongdot (Direktori file download disimpan)
  4. cara download
    kh4sh4@bt:~#  proz http://www.bokep.coli/Skandal_Flazer&Jocker_maniac.HD
    parameter -r <-- Resumekh4sh4@bt:~#  -r proz http://www.bokep.coli/Skandal_Flazer&Jocker_maniac.HD
    kalo bingung ketik "man prozilla"
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